
Dr. Edward Richtofen Quotes

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Literature Text

"Now zis...  IS ZE POWAH!!!!!!!" - Pack-A-Punch a Weapon
"Ah, o bathroom...  Not a very interesting place...  Unless your German...  LIKE ME!!" - Bathroom area (Does not know the activation)
"Zis van didn't photograph so vell..." - Blank Photo (use Square, hold down)
"Hello, Dempshey...  Ah, it's just a portrait...  AN UGLY ONE! - Dempsey Photo
"His eyes are following me...!" - Nikolai Photo
"Ah, it's a picture of ze monkey bomb..." - Takeo Photo
"Oh, look!  It's me...  But not quite as magnificent!" - Richtofen Photo
"NINE!  TOO CLOSE!" - Kill a Zombie at close range
"AHAHA!  A bunch of little pieces of bone fly from it's neck..." - Shoot a zombie in the neck
"BOOM, you have no more head...  Ahaha!" - Headshot a zombie and kill
"I take your pain...  I put my straw in it!  *slurping sounds* And I DRINK IT UP!!" - Kill a zombie
"Who's turning off zhe power everyvhar we go?  Unt now taking zhe color!  WHO IS DOING ZHIS!?" - Start of Game (Ascension)
"Where did all zhe color go?  Vhy is zhere no power?  ...Who am I talking to?" - Start of Game (Ascension)
"Don't be afraid of deash...  Be afraid...  Of zhe docktor!" - Kill Zombies
"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ZE DOCTOR!" - Kill a Zombie after it has hit you
"Ze Doctor sez...  DIE!" - Kill a number of zombies quickly
"Tick-tock, tick-tock...  Zis takes so LONG!" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon
"What is it, Dempshey?  Marrow-sucking Maggot-Whores?" - Kill a number of Zombies (Rare)
"NINE, NOT ZE PUPPIES!" - Beginning of HellHound Round
"Now you are so shmall, you could fit in a gumball machine...  And I could buy a piece of you for a quarter...  WHO HAS A QUARTER!?  Dempshey?" - Kill zombies with a shotgun
"Oh, my poor little accidents...  STAY AVAY!" - Beginning of HellHound Round
"ACK!  I don't like it ven zey lick me!" - Kill a HellHound that has hit you
"Hm, zere is no power, how suspicious...  OR OBVIOUS!" - Start of game
"Power, power, power...  It's always the first priority..." - Start of game
"I cannot torture my minions visout power...  Dempshey, you go turn it on..." - Start of game
"For ze revival of ze UNFITTEST!" - Buy a Quick Revive
"Yesh!  She sounds like a shveet little specimen...!" - Buy a Jugger-Nog
"I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind..." - Buy a Speed Cola
"Ah, Double-Tap, Double-Tap, Double-Tap, Double-Tap, Double-Tap, Double-Tap Root Beer, Root Beer..." - Buy a Double-Tap Root Beer
"I LOVE ZIS ROOT BEER!" - Buy a Double-Tap Root Beer (rare)
"Oh, zey puppies!  I love ze-!  Oh...!  Zey so ugly..." - HellHound Round (rare)
"OH!  It just vent SPLAT!" - Kill a Nova Crawler
"STAY BELOW ME, UNDERVERST!" - Kill a legless Zombie
"Get off my leg, minion!" - Kill a legless zombie
"ZOOOMBIES, it's time for your DISEMBOWLEMENT!" - Get the Bowie Knife
"Zis is just so heavy..." - Buy the M14/Sniper Rifles
"I CAN HIT MORE ZAN VON AT A TIME!" - Get the Bolt-Action Rifle
"Don't you know unt shotgun is just SO MUCH FUN!" - Buy a shotgun
"Einy, miny, miney...  SHOTGUN!!!!" - Buy A Shotgun (Ascension)
"Einy, miny, miney, moe, I vill shoot you in zhe toe...  UNT DA FACE!!" - Killing Zombies
"Okay, let's see...  Van, Two, Sthree, Fou- Oh shit..." - Many Zombies (10 or more in one place)
"Yes my children, gather around, it's shtory time...!" - Many Zombies (10 or more in one place)
"Please, please.  Autographs are 5 deuchmarks..." - Get surrounded
"ZIS MAKES ME ANGRY!" - Buy the CZ-135 Single Gun/The Revolver
"Double za pleasure, double za pain!" - Buy the CZ-135 Dual Wield
"A force of nature at my fingertips!" - Buy the Thundergun
"DO YOU LIKE MY GLOWING GREEN BALLS!?" - Kill a zombie with the Ray Gun
"YES!  YES, EXPLODE!" - Kill a zombie with a grenade
"You remind me of Experiment 13225...  Except you don't make as much noise when I stick things in you..." - Buy Mr. Monkey
"Vundervaffe! I have missed you!" - Buy the Wunderwaffe (Der Reise)
"Feel ze power of Element 115!" - Kill multiple zombies at once with the Wunderwaffe (Der Reise)
"Zat dreadful little girl continues to make my life difficult..." - Get the Teddy Bear
"Vere did you go?" - Get the Teddy Bear
"Box, we talked about zhis..." - Get the Teddy Bear
"HAH!  BOW before ze Almighty Doctor!" - Use the Thundergun/Zeuscannon
"Zey vere all flattened like pancakes!" - Use the Thundergun/Zeuscannon
"RATATATATATATATA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" - Get an automatic weapon (Galill, Commando, etc.)
"I vill save vials of zeir blood...  For later..." - Get the G-11
"Vhere did you go?  I don't know, do you?" - Headshot a zombie and kill
"Look at vat I have created!" - Shoot/Make a Crawling Zombie
"I need to find some ammunition...!  *cries/whines*" - No Ammo
"I need to find more of my little friends...!" - No Ammo
"How can I be running low on ammo!?" - Low Ammo
"How can ze Doctor be so poor!?" - Try and buy something too high for you
"Alas, ze Doctor ish too poor to buy zis..." - Cannot buy a weapon and try anyway
"LOW ON AMMO!" - Low Ammo
"I bet DEMPSHEY stole all zhe color..." - Start of Game (Ascension)
"I'm not dead!  Not yet..." - Revived by Teammate/Revive (Ascension)
"Vithout bullets, I'll have to resort to...  SHTABBING!" - No Ammo
"Come to Richtofen, my little minions...!" - Get a high-calibur/good weapon
"Mommy said not to hurt animals any more..." - HellHound Round
"Vatch zem all explode so beautifully!" - Use something explosive
"Zey vill submit to ze darkness...  YES...!" - Get a machine gun/automatic rifle
"He cannot fight now, he's been...  Disarmed...  AHAHAHAAHA!" - Shoot off a Zombies  arm
"Tiny little organ parts for everyone!" - Use an explosive weapon/grenade
"Zat must be ze failed experiments Maxis mentioned..." - Turn on the power
"Now I will hear the anguished cries!  HOW WHUNDERBAH!" - Get a Automatic Rifle
"An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun..." - Buy a shotgun
"A found a piece of ze meteor!" - Find the first piece of the Meteor
"A found anozher rock...  Maybe zey stole zis from Japan...!" - Find the second piece
"I FOUND ZE LAST PIECE!" - Find the last piece
"I found a delicious tune...!" - Activate the Hidden Song (Find All Pieces)
"YAH!  Zis makes ze BIG HOLES...  I like big holes..." - Get the SPAS-12
"I KILL YOU FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" - Kill a zombie that hit you
"Dempshey, I hate you...  I hate you so much..." - Play online and use Richofen and Dempsey
"~Double zhe pleasure, double zhe pain, double zhe damage...~" - Buy Dual CZ-135s
"Vat!?  I cannot achieve pleasure vith zis!" - Get the CZ-135 Single Gun
"VAT!?  I am nothing but a peasant!" - Not enough points for a weapon
"Zis looks like a rather deadly tool..." - Buy the Bowie Knife
"I don't know who Jim Bowie was, but I bet he was LONG, SHARP, and SHINEY..." - Buy Bowie Knife
"Look at Dempshey!  He's surrounded!  Ahahaha...  Let's leave them to him..."
"Hello?  Vhere did everyone go!?" - Play with multiple people, then they all leave (Ascension)
"I keep forgetting to update my Facebook Status!!" - Find the Computer in Ascension
"You have all zhis power, and you vant even MOAR!?  ...I like zhe vay you sink..." - Ascension Easter Egg
"Hm...  I prefer Efervison...  Keeps them level..." - Buy a Double-Tap Root Beer
"Oh, an alley...  How quaint..." - Open the door to the alley and walk out (unknown activation)
"One becomes two, becomes three!" - use Patruschka doll
"Vell, zhat my mine stomach turn..." - Hop through Geirsh Device
"A personal Black Hole!?  Genius...!" - Use Geirsh Device
"Zhis future is WHUNDERBAH!" - Use the computer (Ascension)
"Unt fire-breathing shotgun...?  WHUNDERBAH!!!!!!!" - PAP the SPAS-12
"Are zhey trying to communic-?  OH!  Zhey are having sex..." - Multiple monkeys running at you (Ascension)
"Look at zhe tail!  I vant one...!" - Killing Space Monkeys (Ascension)
"Two knifes!  I liek zhat!  Two shticks!  Shtick, Shtick!" - Buy Ballistic Knife (Ascension)
"Nikolai!  You are my best friend!  ...I will experiment on you much later zan ze others..." - Play with Richtofen and Nikolai (rare)
"Takeo, I vant you to run ahead of me..." (Takeo Reply) "You'll get lots of...  Vat's it called?  Ah, yes...  Honor!" - Play with Richtofen and Takeo (rare)
"POP GOES ZAH VESEAL!" - Headshot a Nova Crawler
"Don't be afraid of death...  Be afraid of ze Doctor...!" - Kill a number of zombies
"OH!  Unt veapon of great accuracy...!" - Buy the MP-40
"I bet it hurts SO GOOD if I put my hand in zere..." - Pack-A-Punch a weapon
*whistles* - Pack-A-Punch a weapon
"Aw, don't make fun of Dempshey, Nikolai!  That monkey was practically FAMILY to him!" - Respond to Nikolai's comment on Cymbal Monkey
"Nice shot, Nikolai!" - Killing Zombies with Nikolai
"You know, you should practice on Dempshey...  While you're on a roll..." - Killing Zombies with Nikolai
"How can someone so DRUNK be so ACCURATE!?" - Killing Zombies with Nikokai
"Pack-A-Punch...  Curious..." - Pack-A-Punch a weapon
"I SWALLOW YOUR HEART!!!" - Kill a zombie with a knife/weapon (Knife is more often)
"Perhaps I can save his appendix..." - Kill a Crawling Zombie
"Are you...  Board?  AHAHAHAHAHA!" - Get the Carpenter power up
"My blood with flow vith zheir tears!" - Get the Insta-Kill power up
"FIRE SALE!  How whunderbah!" - Get the Fire Sale power up
"A MINIGUN!?  Zis is just...  Just so...  *starts crying out of happiness*" - Get the Death Machine power up (Power up is EXTREMELY rare)
"A gift from Sam!?  BUT VHY!?" - Get the Max Ammo power up
"Ze flames...  Of ze damned...!" - Get the Nuke power up
"More time to play vith my pretty ones!" - Get the Max Ammo power up
"Zat should keep my patients at bay..." - Get the Carpenter power up
"Sounds like ze handivork of Ze Masons..." - Get the Carpenter power up
"Zey are held outside for a little vhile now..." - Carpenter power up
"Ah, no...  You're not supposed to fall apart like zat..." - Shoot off a limb
"AHA, AHA!  It makes a fun noise, too!" - Get an automatic weapon
"Ya, ya, ze power needs to be turned on..." - Start of game
"I FEEL LIKE DANCING!" - Kill a number of zombies (rare)
"Yes...  Ya, YA...!  DIE!!" - Kill a number of zombies
"NINE!  Attack Dempshey, not ze Doctor!" - HellHound Round, Play with Richtofen and Dempsey
"Ah, his torture vas SO BEAUTIFUL!" - Kill a zombie
"You should go follow DEMPSHEY now!" - Large amount of Zombies (10 or more in one room)
"So many gears...  Such German ingenuity!" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon (rare)
"Step into ze light...!" - Get the Nuke power up
"No, I am not ready for Hell!  I don't even have my good shoes!" - Be defeated
"Help me, zey are displeased!" - Be defeated
"Did ze voices tell you to save me?" - Be revived
"I vill please you now...  ZE VOICES!" - Insta-Kill Power Up
"Ah, danke..." - Be revived
"Zhe drink that makes you go BOOM!" - Buy PHD Flopper
"Zhisdrinkismyfavorite!IcannotexpresshowmuchIenjoyit'sinvigoratingtasteandexeptionalfinish...!" - Buy Speed-Cola
"Vhis zhis, Zhe Docktor can go a VERY long time...!  Does that turn you on...?" - Buy Stamin-Up
"~Fountains of Sorrow...!~" - Kill multiple zombies with a grenade
"I'll get you something nice vhen zis is over..." - Be revived
"OH! It's so light and DEADLY!" - Get an SMG
"I feel ze blood in my eyes...!" - Kill a zombie at CLOSE range (rare)
"Take zem back, Samantha!" - Kill a HellHound
"BAD PUPPY!" - Kill a HellHound
"It iz time to RUN!" - Out of ammo (rare)
"I like ze vay ze blood feels on my skin...!" - Kill a number of zombies at close range
"Why don't you shut your ignorant mouth, Dempshey...?  And your hole..." - Killing Zombies with Dempsey in the projector room
"Samantha, didn't ve talk about zhis?" - Get the Teddy Bear
"Look at it!  CRAWLING to it's Masta!!!" - Make a crawler
"Feel ze POWER of Dr. Richtofen!" - Using Thundergun/Zeuscannon
"I hate you, Dempshey...  I hate your eyes..." - Play with Richtofen and Dempsey
"Oh, zey vill be all over ze floor, unt da valls, unt da ceiling!!" - Get an explosive weapon (LAW rocket, China Lake)
"A crossbow vith a explosive round?  Zhey think of EVERYTHING...!" - Buy the Crossbow
"A crossbow?  Interesting..." - Buy the Crossbow
"Dempshey, if you had a braincell for every time you got a headshot, you'd just be shtupid..." - Revive Dempsey with Richtofen
"Get off my leg, Minion!" - Get hit by a crawling zombie
"IT'S TEARING MY SHEENS!  DELICIOUS!" - Get hit by a crawling zombie
"You know, given time, I could start making a generator out of spare parts...  Why is zhere no color?" - Start of game (Ascension)
"Vats zat noise?  OH!  A horde of zombies..." - See around 7 zombies in one instance (Ascension)
"Dempshey, you are now my favorite..." - Killing Zombies with Dempsey
"Can it be?  The DG-3!?  The DG-3 zats just for me!?  AHAHAHAHAHAH!" - Obtain Thundergun (Super Rare)
"So ZIS must be vat Maxis was hiding..." - Obtain Thundergun (Rare)
"FLASHY LIGHTS!!  FLASHY LIGHTS!!!" - Firesale (Rare)
"Oh!  Firesale!  Good, the price of Fire was getting too high..." - Firesale (Ascension)
"See ze powar of Dr. Richtofen!" - Get 3 kills w/ 1 shot
"OH JOY!  I made unt STUMPY!!" - Make a crawling zombie
"IT'S STILL ALIVE!!!" - Use 2 grenades on a zombie and it still lives (Lvl 25 and up)
"I vant to get closer to EMBRACE zheir pain..." - Headshot w/ L-115 Isolator (Rare)
"KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN NEXT TIME!! Ahahahaha-! Oh...  Zhere von't be a next time..." - Headshot w/ L-115 or D-115 (Rare)
"I sink...  I mush vomit...  Ugh..." - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare)
Dr. Edward Richtofen Quotes

If you see any I've missed, please tell me, so I may add them. Also, if I've messed any up, tell me... Thank you and remember...

Do as ZE VOICES tell you!

And yes, I do know how and where to find the meteor places.

And thanks to all those who've helped me, and will help me...

© 2011 - 2024 The-Demon-King999
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Mystic-Thund3r's avatar
"Vundervaffe! I have missed you!" - Buy the Wunderwaffe (Der Reise)
"Feel ze pouver of Element 115!" - Kill multiple zombies at once with the Wunderwaffe (Der Reise)